11 Feb 2008

His Highness.......

" His Highness Thomas Alva Edison". 

     Today I like to say a few words about this great man as this was the day on 1847 the earth recieved this great man.  I don think that there will be a literate who does not know who Edison is.  It all started with the fear of darkness which Thomas wanted to avoid, he started thinking about it and found an answer after tireless work and 625 attempts.   Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S. patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France and Germany.

The greatest day was on october 22, 1879 when he invented the electric bulb.   He obtained the patent for it from the US government.  He invented many devices in his life time which was very much useful. His hearing capacity was not the best as he did not treat his infected ears......

Electric current was invented way back in 600 B.C but it was Edison who brought it to the standard where we use it in the indoor application.  Hence he is the reason for the creation of the field of Engineering.......

From all the Engineering Students, I thank him on his birthday for his wonderful creation which made life so easy in this world..........


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